Holiness: An Intentional Personal Faith

Seeding My Heart

Hey There! Welcome to 2021…The old is passed away and a New Year has come. For many of us, our 2020 vision ended up becoming a “Deer in your headlights” look. It was crazy! Lockdowns, Lockouts, and the Loss of many of our trusted life supports. Amid the fear and concern, many people of Faith were challenged to their core. What is God doing? Why is He allowing this to happen here and all over the World? Everything seems to be falling apart…What is going on? A New Normal?

It is indeed a crazy time, but people of Faith in God, and Believers in Christ must not give into fear, as those who are without hope. Yet for believers, and Non-Believers alike, God does desire to “shake things up at times” and help us get back to the things that really matter. Our Time and Priorities, our Marriages and Families… getting us back to the basics of Life and our need for Him.

In the Worldview Study, The Truth Project, Dr. Del Tackett begins with an informative discussion about “What is Truth?” according to our Culture of Relativism that is all around us. We need real truth to provide the structure of our lives so that we can live rightly….right? Near the end of the class discussion, Dr. Tackett challenges his students with a poignant question… a rather “Haunting Question”.

It is a very “haunting question”, as we take a moment to really ponder our personal Faith. We talk alot about having Faith, but Faith in what? Faith in Religion? Christian Faith? Catholic Faith? Faith in my church? Faith in God? How does your Faith impact your everyday life? Is it Religion or a Relationship? We are not trying to diminish Faith… we are, on the contrary, encouraging us all to walk more deeply and intimately in our Faith Relationship with Jesus. As we have said before, it’s not about checking the right boxes, or filling in the blanks with the “right” answers on your test or Pastor’s sermon.

Transformative Faith is an intentional, daily focus of a personal Faith relationship with our Triune God, (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). It is the rock and foundation of our lives. When our heart intentionally desires to connect to the heart of God, we will know and sense the difference. More importantly, people will notice the transformation of your #EverydayHeartlife4God. Next time, we will review the daily steps toward Real Life, Real Jesus, in Real Time that transforms our lives to reflect Jesus every day.

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